The Eco-Group was set up by interested members of the congregation in 2019 following the registration of St Ninian’s with Eco-Congregation Scotland (ECS).
The Group of around 10 folk meets quarterly to identify and discuss ways in which St Ninian’s as an Eco-Congregation, and as individual members, can reduce our impact on the environment; it also creates awareness of the climate emergency and biodiversity loss.
In March 2022 we were delighted to be awarded a Bronze Award by ECS:
The ECS award commended St Ninian’s for:
Over the next few pages there is a flavour of what the Eco-Group has been doing in the past few years, whether on the church premises, in the church garden, through holding events and workshops or becoming involved in activities further afield.
Future work of Eco-Group
For the future, the main work of the Eco-Group is linked to the climate emergency. The Scottish Episcopal Church (SEC) recognises that human activity, in particular the burning fossil fuels, is leading to global heating and extreme weather events.
Urgent action is needed, and the SEC has set a target of net zero carbon emissions by 2030.
For more information on its Net Zero Action Plan (2023-2030) including a helpful webinar see :
The Eco-Group is investigating how to improve the energy efficiency of St Ninian’s buildings and reduce reliance on burning fossil fuels eg replacement of a gas boiler with an air source heat pump, perhaps supplemented by solar panels, so lots to work on….
Church premises
Church Garden
In 2019, 5 dwarf apple trees were planted in the front garden as part of an Eco-Congregation Scotland scheme inspired by orchard restoration/planting in church grounds in Hungary.
The Orchard Project, a national charity, provided help by designing a framework for supporting the trees and holding an apple tasting event. They now provide ongoing advice eg a workshop on tree pruning in August 2023.
A ceremonial planting of the trees, attended by members of the congregation and local people, was held in Nov 2019. Here’s Bishop John blessing the trees:
Old litter bins in the garden were replaced with recycling bins (made of old railway sleepers) to help garden users sort their rubbish.
Wildflowers have been planted too, see the Garden section of the website.
Events at St Ninian’s
Members of the Eco Group have arranged a number of events, open to the public, with a climate or environmental theme, as illustrated by these posters:
Workshops at St Ninian’s
The Group has held workshops, open to local people of all ages, to make insect hotels, seed bombs and bird feeders; some of these were installed in the church garden. At one workshop, a guest from the RGBE brought along a composting game involving flashcards, to help make participants aware of what can and cannot be put on a domestic compost heap.
Further afield
Individual members / families in the Eco group have become involved in activities elsewhere:
“Times for Reflection” at the Botanic garden, Inverleith
During 2023, St Ninian’s ministry team ran a couple of workshops for members of the congregation in the Botanic Cottage, the RBGE’s community hub. The format for the workshops was a short presentation on a theme, trees or autumn leaves, followed by a time for individual creative activity. On one occasion, participants took a reflective pilgrimage walk around the garden; this was designed by a member of the ministry team.
“Ring Out for Climate Justice” at St Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral: a monthly youth-led, bellringing, networking and wellbeing event for 11-16 year olds started in February 2024. It is inspired by a young activist from St Ninian’s supported by the artist in residence at the Cathedral
St Ninians Scottish Episcopal Church
40 Comely Bank
Sunday 10:30 Sung Eucharist
Wednesday 10:00 Holy Communion