St Ninian's Comely Bank

You are welcome here

Christ the King

On the last Sunday of the Church’s year, before Advent begins, we acknowledge Christ as King of the Ages, of past and future, source of timeless love.  Jesus says: Lo, I am with you always.  The compelling image of Jesus by Janet Melrose is full of symbols of Christ’s overflowing life and love – hands outstretched both to welcome us and send us out again; “living water” to refresh and renew us; a tree of life whose leaves are for healing; an angel to remind us God always has a message for us (and will strengthen us as angels strengthened Jesus).

There are fish aplenty, like the fish we are to bring in as the first disciples did, like the fish of that resurrection breakfast on the seashore; and stars – for Bethlehem, and for Christ the Dayspring from on High to shine in our hearts.

The Christ in our painting almost seems to lovingly question us

The artist writes

Normally when I start a painting I have an image in my mind of how it might look – but not with this painting! This was more follow my leader.  As I painted ideas emerged and all that I had to do was to stay awake to the possibilities.  This painting is more the product of instinct than design. When I saw it on the wall at St Ninian’s it did not feel entirely like my own work, but perhaps this happens when you make a painting of Christ and not the next door neighbour.

Janet Melrose

Photo by Eric Bower